CellCentric’s scientific founder awarded Royal Medal

Prof Azim Surani FRS CBE has been awarded the Royal Society’s Royal Medal for his pivotal contributions to the understanding of early mammalian development.

Azim Surani, the Marshall-Walton Professor of Physiology at the Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, has received another major award for his pioneering research into mammalian developmental mechanisms.

Three Royal Medals are awarded annually by the Queen upon the recommendation of the Royal Society, two for the most important contributions to the advancement of Natural Knowledge and the other for distinguished contributions in interdisciplinary or applied sciences. The prize was initiated in 1826 when the winners were John Dalton and James Ivory. See: www.royalsociety.org/Royal-Medals/.

Azim co-founded CellCentric, the biotechnology company that leverages his work and that of multiple other leading researchers around the world to understand the epigenetic control mechanisms of cell fate. When these systems break down, diseases including cancer, neurological, inflammatory and metabolic disorders can result.

By integrating privileged information from multiple world leaders in the field, CellCentric is uniquely positioned to identify and initiate novel drug discovery programmes for the treatment of disease. CellCentric has prioritised 6 targets from a wide portfolio of opportunities identified. The company successfully licensed one drug discovery programme to Takeda Pharmaceuticals in February 2010.

For further details on this release, please contact:

Will West, CEO
Tel: + 44 (0) 1799 531 130
[email protected]