About us
CellCentric is a pioneering company focused on the development of a p300/CBP inhibitor to treat specific cancer types.
Our mission
CellCentric’s mission is to transform outcomes for people living with specific cancers, notably relapsed refractory multiple myeloma, as quickly and effectively as possible.
Our strategy
From a scientific foundation in cell fate control mechanisms, the company has explored multiple potential novel targets and mechanisms to treat cancer. The company’s strategy has been to focus on the best of these new opportunities, in terms of biological understanding, medicinal chemistry and targeted patient populations that could benefit. CellCentric is now fully focused on the strongest opportunity identified, the clinical potential of inhibiting p300/CBP with a novel oral drug.
Through deep relationships with multiple leading centres of excellence, collaboration has been at the heart of CellCentric’s approach to research, and now also to progressing inobrodib through clinical trials. We also engage with patients and patient representative groups to better understand their needs and priorities.